Tejas & Mitali Collective -#Musician_couple#
TEJAS is a well known name of music industry, has performed a number of concerts in different parts of the world with celebrity artists.
He has played woodwinds for more than 100 BOLLYWOOD and other MOVIES including some GLOBAL PROJECTS too.
He is well known face of TSERIES MIXTAPE,MTV UNPLUGGED, ZEE SAREGAMA ,INDIANIDOL and many musical shows.
Along with flute Tejas plays many wood winds with equal caliber.
He is a versatile player ,loves to play all genre of music .He is disciple of Pt Abhay Phagre jee.
Born in a musical family, received first lesson of rhythm from her father, renowned artist Pt Vilas Khargonkar,
belongs to great convention of Ustad Jahaangeer Kha Saheb.
Her playing style personifies essence of all gharanas of Tabla.
She performs every genre of music like IndianClassical Music ,Fusion Music,Gazals and Bollywood Music. Known face of Many musical shows,she plays many percussions,has accompanied many great artists.