Hello Everyone,
M3K CLAW have two live streamers, which is Mike and Kumo.
Origin of M3K:
3 → KISS
We are a couple which love to play claw machine, so our video is mostly about claw machine, that’s why we put 【CLAW】. And this words also represent cat claw/paw, because we love cat so much.
Because of the pandemic, we started to play the game【Play Together】.
Every Friday night on 7.30pm will have game livestreaming.
We also will live stream other games, for example: Pokemon Go, Pokemon Unite, Mobile Legend.
And, we also will share some tips about claw machine, pets and some funny moment of life.
*** All the income for member subscription will use to buy foods for the stray dogs & cats.
✨email: mikekumo18@gmail.com
✨Instagram : www.instagram.com/m3kclaw/?hl=en
✨TikTok : tiktok.com/@m3kclaw
✨Discord : discord.gg/79tYxHXFGH