Channel dedicated to adventures and activities of me, Roo. What's a Roo? Think Bucka or Kanga I guess ...
Actually, it's just a nickname my family has for me. Please keep the nickname on the down low as I share events and fun from my version of life.
Initially I plan to share shorts and move to more engrossing content as my channel grows.
The shorts schedule will generally be as follows:
Moto Mondays - adventures I've had on my motorcycles
Try It Tuesdays - sharing my attempt at building a hangar home on a new airpark property I recently acquired
Wingtup Wednesdays - views from my flying adventures
Travel Thursdays - adventures I've experienced in various places around the globe
Freaky Friday - random sharings that don't fit one of the larger categories
Scuba Steve Saturdays - views from underwater adventures I've had
Sports Sunday - various activities from skiing to mtb to hiking