This is the channel made for the guidance of people towards the true light of Islam.
This series of promoting teaching of Islam is continued from last 30 years which were taken on social media now.
The teacher and preacher Ustad Abdul Razzaq Zahid Ghuman is a true Muslim. In description below you can read their introduction.
Teacher Abdul Razzaq Zahid Ghuman is basically an Islamic scholar who studied Islam for about 14 years . First, he studied for 7 years in Lahore and then went to Kingdom Saudi Arabia for Higher Studies. and study at Islamic University Madina in Faculty of Hadith for 7 years . He also was preacher at Msjid Nabwi.
After Come back to their homeland Pakistan Sialkot in 2002 . He is till giving Jummah , Eids sermons. Also giving drus on different Topics. If you have any Islamic Question, feel free to ask on Whatsapp 0333-8611797