MUKESH JOSHI (Trainer, Motivator, Strategic Business Coach and Chairman тАУ IOE Group)
His vision - тАЬMETAMORPHIC TRANSFORMATION of the insurance industryтАЭ.
тАв┬а┬а┬аAddressed more than 500,000+ professionals through 5000+ seminars, conventions, courses, webinars, & workshop, internationally.
тАв┬аTransforms lives through his speeches 290 days a year.┬а┬а
тАв┬а┬аKnown as the Master of OBJECTION HANDLINGтАЩ in insurance industry
тАв┬а┬аSpeaks on other important subjects like тАШWISE PARENTINGтАЩ and тАШINTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPтАЩ.
тАв┬а┬аLIC of India dignitaries awarded him several times for his EXTRAORDINARY performance.
тАв┬а┬аAuthored LIFE-CHANGING books and produced 450 TRANSFORMATIONAL audio and video CDs
IOE believes in constantly improvising and imparting education that meets International Standards.┬а
Set your insurance agency career on FAST TRACK SUCCESS with Mukesh Joshi!
ENROL for his courses NOW!