All video games appeared on this channel are copyright to their respective developers. I don't own nor do i want to own the copyright to these games. I'm merely a fan and the creater of the fan-made video guides uploaded on this channel.
本人在某台灣網站發現竟有一人以其名義發報我的123段軒轅劍 參的攻略影片,本人跟此人理論過後,此無恥之徒竟拒絕在其網頁表 明攻略影片原作和出處。在此公報我並不會在youtube以外的 網頁或以freeman71386以外的名義發報影片,在其他網 站出現的純屬盜用(有列明轉載網頁的除外)。
ps. Check out my playlists for the playthrough that i have made.