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jump start carry. #microtech #microtechknives winter golf carry #microtech #ultratech #zbt Loading gravel carry. #weknife #edcknife #pocketedc Cardboard night with the Excalibur. #metalcomplex #kunwu #edcknife Snow Day carry. #microtechknives #edcknife #combattroodon Let the haters hate, it's a great knife. Kunwu/Metal Complex Excalibur. 9.8/10 #metalcomplex Distracted at work. #edcknife #pocketknife Broken truck carry. Sabenza 31. #chrisreeve #edcknife What are some of your favorite budget knives? This one has stuck around for a while. #civiviknives Cool knife, hate the pocket clip. #medford #slimmidi #edcknife #edccarry Gym carry. #striderknives #SMF performance series No rust, no problem. #edcknife #striderknives #SnG #pocketknifereview Chris reeve inkosi. #chrisreeve #titanium Protech mordax on moving day. USN exclusive. #edccarry #edcknife #blade #protech The highest quality knife I have ever handled. Herman slim. #herman #polishcustomknives Rescuing a 9mm with the @tkell combatant An underrated cold Steel. The ultimate hunter. @csknives #triadlock #coldsteelknives Tanto eklipse with a fresh edge. #hinderer #edcknife Fancy hard use. #microtechknives #socombravo #edccarry A legendary hard use folder. #microtechknives #socomelite #harduse #m390 Sometimes I like the abuse😅. Knife testing before regrind. #medford #marauder The most expensive knife I ever owned and one of the coolest. #strider #striderknives #smf #DGG Medford infraction. #medford #titanium One of my favorite designs. Strider SMF. #strider #SMF Gen 2 combat troodon. #microtechknives #combattroodon #edcknife Frozen pipes need a Tkell Striker Working with the Microtech Stitch. #microtechknives #stitch #pocketknife Spyderco Shaman 👌. #spyderco #spydercoknives The beater. Benchmade 943 #benchmadeknives #edcknife 9.8/10 edc fixed blade Tkell combatant #edcknife #fixedblade A budget friendly ultratech? Krate tactical jade g10 otf #edcknife #otf #pocketknife 9.75/10 pocket knife. #kunwu #padre #edcknife #edc Hard to beat a sold sabenza #chrisreeve #sabenza31 9/10 Wharncliffe. #hinderer #eklipse #mefp #monkeyedge Flytanium scales are a must imo #spyderco #pm2 #paramilitary2 #flytanium A "do it all" knife. Dark Timber honey badger #survival #fixedblade #huntinfool #kydexholster Brown knives Cortex xl. #edcknife #edccarry #highendedc #pocketknife Cold Steel AD15 lite. #coldsteelknives #ad15 #edcknife Spyderco para 3 lw w/AWT aluminum scales 👌. 9.5/10 SnG for Halloween #spooky #strider #SnG Almost a perfect knife imo. #sharpbydesign #evotyphoon Rainy day ultratech with a botched sharpening job... Yes please. #microtechknives #ultratech Full ti is nice. #hinderer #xm18 #titanium #highquality Great combination of self defence and edc. #tkell #striker #fixedblade "Survival" pocket knife #medford #fighterflipper We Qubit 9.5/10 edc knife 🤌 #edc #edcknife #everydaycarry Hard working OTF. #combattroodon #microtechknives Kunwu Pulsar, 9/10 edc knife