January 19, 1973...A pioneering group of young lesbian feminists changed the world by creating a company devoted to the empowerment of women. Olivia Records was born. Playlists are shown on Home Page. 1st is First Woman President 2nd is Lesbian Concentrate (1977). 3rd is Have You Ever Heard? 4th is Entertainment from the 45th Olivia Celebration (2018). 5th is entertainment from the Olivia 40th celebration (2013). 6th is Meg Christian & Cris Williamson (Live 2013). 7th playlist is Olivia 40th LIve. 8th is Meg Christian Live 1984. 9th is Leaping Lesbians & Ode To A Gym Teacher. 10th is aboout the origin of the name Olivia. 11th is The Road To Equality. It's a long road & we aren't to the end yet.
p.s. Not sure how I ended up with two playlists titled Meg & Cris Live (but it's ok 'cause they are worth it!)
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"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there." Rumi