“What does this guy think, he’s an Indian? What is he a goddamn asshole, what the fuck is he doing? Not ever. No way. Now he’s Johnny Hammersticks. Hammerin’ away like he’s friggin’ Tommy Noble. What the hell is he doing? Thinks he’s, thinks he’s got it going bossanova, no way. No way. What is this garbage? What is this? Oh, I’m king of the trees. I’m the tree meister. I count on them. Well sometimes I pry I like to steal-st. Yeah right. Yeah right. This guy’s a faggot. This guy’s some sort of faggot Indian in the teepee. This guy thinks he captain knots. Thinks he’s captain tying knots. When everyone needs some knots tied they go to him. Bullshit. Bullshit they-ss. Bull-his woman’s such a bitch. Thinks she’s miss sand. Drinkin’ out of cups. Bein’ a bitch. I bet her fist. I bet her fetalusque…Barggd. Patarskapalalala a little kid in the background fuckin’ goin craz-ay. Who’s this guy? Mister Balloons. Mr. Balloon hands. No way. No way. Get real. Like those things. Mister Walkway.