Evil en Lucifer is a Visual Kei Fan Community stabilished in 2009, created firstly as a Blog. We help to promote Visual Kei Worldwide.
EnL was created in 2009 with no financial objective by 3 Old School Visual Kei fans: guidixest, rasen-virus and otterley. A long at the time many people all over the world helped to build what became one of the biggest VK old school database. When the access to Japanese music was denied by a group of elitists fans, we began to meet and gather what we could on the subject. Reuniting those things in the same place. We noticed that the promotion of Visual Kei in the West, in an artistic way, ends up helping bands in the East.
As soon as people found out about the bands, they looked for CD's, tapes and VHS's. Organize events, try to contact artists. Always looking for more information, to save and have access to that art behind the music. This ended up helping VK scene to keep alive and mantaining the interest of the community on VK/Japanese Culture.