“The Young Sires” or “TYS” are natural born siblings. The Suede Brothers (Benn, Danny, Gene) All being gifted with musical ability, have a palpable synergy between them. Their love of dramatic and thrill filled performances make up their alluring neon-clad brand. The brothers have spent the majority of their lives preparing to make their mark on the music industry and bring an advanced but familiar take on where music can go and how it can be blended with enticing/vibrant visuals relating to video games, that they believe will eventually create a completely new AV cross-platform/medium experience. They spent the last several years crafting a sound that is cutting-edge. Their interest is in blending music and video in a new exciting way, and to push media mediums into the future. They label themselves “Meta-Pop” or from the greek “meta” meaning beyond. Bringing together the essence of multiple sources of genuine inspiration to create something completely novel, from the bottom up.