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God's Resistance Press

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This channel is to awaken unbelievers to salvation through J

God's Surprising Take on REPENTANCE and Justice! #shorts Slave girl leads army general to God Oliver Anthony, Christians donโ€™t curse You Can't Love Well Unless You Pray Well #shorts The Necessity of Praying with Others #shorts Stir Ourselves to Pray for America #shorts Receive From God To Give to Others #shorts Prayer Draws Souls #shorts Pray and Let God Figure it Out #shorts Practical Prolonged Prayer #shorts Much Prayer Leads to Confident prayer #shorts Die To Self And Pray Effectively #shorts Brood on the Cross to Intercede #shorts Be Still in Prayer #shorts God shares His Burden in His Presence #shorts Make Prayer a Priority & Practice #shorts Pray Standing in the Gap #shorts The Power of Prayer: Spilling Out Your Soul #shorts Calling on the Lord: Lifting Up Your Soul #shorts #powerodprayer The Power of Prayer: A Gut Check #shorts #prayer Receiving the Spirit - Reception vs. Fullness #shorts A Second Rest - Hebrews 4 Uncovering a Deeper Need After Salvation #shorts Finding your niche in the things of God #shorts Embrace Your Talents - God Has a Ministry For You! A Revival in a Hospital through Psalm quoting #shorts Duncan Campbell filled with the Spirit during battle #shorts Filled with the Spirit: Biblical Sanity #shorts Discipline for sports, but not for God #shorts Church goers should encourage their pastor #shorts Exposing the Problems of Evangelical Churches #shorts Rejecting the American Western Church: Is it Worth It? #shorts God's Goodness Leads to Repentance #shorts Compassion Reveals Christ to others #shorts The Indwelling Spirit Guides the Witnessing Tongue #shorts Confess Your Secrets: A Call to Walk in God's Light #shorts God Proving Himself in Today's Broken Down Generation #shorts The Power of Christ In Us #shorts Walking the Walk: Embodying Your Message #shorts The Power of a Heaven Sent Vision #shorts The Growth of Wesley's Methodism #shorts R A Torrey Alone with His Bible #shorts Torrey's Saturday Night Prayer Meetings #shorts Praying Men in Leeds ๐Ÿ™ #shorts Pastors Keep Revived and Fresh ๐Ÿ‹ #shorts Africa, Western Europe, Lost Vision ๐Ÿ‘€ #shorts Without a Vision the Church Perishes ๐Ÿ˜ญ #shorts Was Jesus Wrong for Being Angry #shorts