The ridicule and spite my mother, the Church bears every hour, the misunderstandings, desertions, sacrileges, scandals her own children cause, deceived by the father of lies, the power and principalities of this world, elicit trembling pain, sorrow and trauma deep within… A spark may not always generate wild fire but can cause another spark with reactive potency. When the Satan empowers himself with the latest mediums and every institution in society and in the World, how we can be silent, without our share in the continuation of the greatest redemptive Sacrifice on a tree, using the means that are at our disposal! “Zeal for your house will consume me” Jn 3:17.
Vision: To be a mustard seed that grows tall and big in spreading the Message of Yehoshua Meshiach along with the signs of the time while not diluting the same, sustain the faith of the faithful and be a channel to bring faith to people.
Let there be no stone upturned for the sake of the One who died for us.