Mandarin speaking thru song learning, exams, & courses.
Language-learning thru a song is easy and of fun. The songs videos have pinyin and English translations along the lyric.
Exam videos have 3 models: original exam, exam w/ solutions & my translations, combination of the two. This design is for your convenience, you may first take an exam, then later come back to check your work w/ my translation videos, or you may use the combined version, while you first take an exam, then immediately check the solution w/ translation.
Teaching videos encourage your natural cognitive skills in learning, just as we learned speaking as a baby. The course style is concise, w/o distractive explanation. It aimed to waken your natural capability to recognize the language pattern when you stay focused. The course helps you with the design of fonts and sentences.
Each video took dozens or even hundreds of hours to design & make. If you like our work, kindly share, comment, like, & subscribe.