Hey there :)
This is Doctor Who Series Analysis.
Originally a facebook page in which I enjoyed writing blogs about Doctor Who and talking to people about their thoughts and predictions for the show and it's stories.
I decided last year I wanted to make a youtube channel for the page in which we do Doctor Who stuff and post loads of cool videos based around the show.
Each video we upload to the channel we always intend to be special in some way shape or form and my aim is to be up to our fiftieth video by the time of Doctor Who's fiftieth anniversary.
In short, We are huge Doctor Who fans and we make videos and run a facebook page dedicated to the show.
I hope that you don't need to read this to have pressed the 'Subscribe' button though lol.
P.S I am always looking for people to help me make videos for the youtube channel/admin the facebook page. If you are passionate about the show and would be willing to help out then just get in touch