雍雍遊 (Kyle Go and Play)
IG : tangcykyle
Introduce and look for places suitable for children to go, and share his fun time.
Kyle Tang (雍雍) - 五歲小朋友,喜歡說話和表演,觀察力不俗,希望由他帶大家遊玩地方,感受歡樂氣氛。
Kyle Tang (Yung Yung) is a 5-years-old boy, he likes talk and perform, he also has a fair observation skill. I hope you can watch him to make you feeling happy!
Please remember to subscribe us, your subscription is an encouragement to us. Thank you very much.😊
如觀眾對影片有什麼意見或提議,歡迎電郵到📧: victortang0724@hotmail.com
Welcome to send us a email for any suggestion.