Lawn care videos @Lawn_Care with lawn mowing equipment brands shown and discussed. The videos are not flashy. No need for the clueless, lazy, trolls to comment. What's unique here? Content is filmed in the driest state, people leave the mowing longer.
There are links to some of the channels that I viewed before starting out as a gardener (e.g. the popular ones like Pittwater and Mowtown) and some of what I have watched since. Some other links are not related to gardening but are about scrapping and growing vegetables.
I don't claim to be a "professional" so seeing how others go about gardening was helpful. If you are renting and need to learn the basics, or are starting a lawn mowing business, or buying a home and have never done gardening before then some of my knowledge could help? IMM is just the initials of the business name. I'm not promoting that here but filming at work is shown here.
Location: Australia (in South Australia)