welcome to my channel "
This channel is a space for millions of media content, entertainment, comedy, parody, creators, jokes, etc., in the Central Java area in particular and in Indonesia in general.
art, dance and local culture should we take care of, aka we protect and preserve it as a provision for our children and grandchildren later
so that they know the culture of their ancestors and want to preserve their local culture and Indonesian culture in general.
By participating in maintaining and preserving culture, we have helped the struggle of our ancestors who have struggled since the beginning of the culture, we as the next generation should also participate in protecting and preserving culture.
millions of thanks for your support and participation, hopefully it will be a charity that is blessed by God Almighty, (AAMIN).
DONT FORGET TO LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE, because YOUR support is very valuable, millions of enthusiasm for me to develop this youtube channel.