in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Baby blanket order
100 stitches across
L-R knit purl knit
R-L knit knit knit
1hr 55 min
Has some issues starting but all is good now!
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If you have non religious friends who have kids, do Not buy their kids religious stuff. It’s rude, and low key trying to indoctrination them into your myth and magic cult. It’s not nice, it’s not helpful. It shows lack of respect. Some of us see through the fiction and lies and want no part of it, religion is a huge part of the reason the world is in such bad shape. Some of us are science logic based and don’t see the use of religion, and want to keep their keeps minds from being bogged down with nonsense that keeps them from acting rationally in a world that insists of being irrationally. Magic isn’t real
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Instagram: That Lady with the Yarn
What ever I decide to rant about that day. Music, Movies, Books, Religion, Knitting, Cooking Failures... etc.