* #DigitalCreator - Please subscribe to my channel!
I was a childhood savant. I could just play from about the age of 4. My sister had been taking piano lessons and practiced often. One day my mother came into the room to compliment my sister on a piece she had been working on and found 4 year old me at the keys instead. I remember the look of almost terror on her face when she realized that I could just play...
*You can also find me on SoundCloud under Tyna J. Metzner. soundcloud.com/tyna-j-phipps?utm_source=soundcloudā¦
Please look me up on my Facebook Music Page-www.facebook.com/tyna.phipps/posts/102142338567867ā¦
*I have a blog on WordPress and Google Blogger as well.
To date I have written 4 originals and I am composing!