If you want to see katamari videos I recommend my playlists rather than my uploads, because the playlists include awesome videos by the people listed below!
Check these out! So many people have put their own katamari videos up on YouTube :D ...
* -- channels with awesome Reroll content!
Carrot youtube.com/CarrotAndKatamari
Chomi youtube.com/Chomi39
Drouge youtube.com/Drouge87
earlcash05 youtube.com/earlcash05
FoominFan youtube.com/WhiskersInc
*Junglekun youtube.com/Jungle22801
matthew69 youtube.com/matthew69vids
qpmynz youtube.com/qpmynz2
retroblast youtube.com/channel/UCsueStaZQP85Rcm8TJvTUHQ
Seamonky youtube.com/SeamonkyNG
SkywaveTM youtube.com/SkywaveTM
*Silent Thunder youtube.com/SilentThunder024
*ThumbsOfSteel youtube.com/ThumbsOfSteel74
tldraco youtube.com/tldracoful
Yunomi youtube.com/user/yunomi7731