Hi, I'm Oats, and this is ChuChu. ChuChu is a young, fast, taller, and loud puppy. He is a mix of German Shepard, boxer and Belgian Malinois. He always wants to play, explore, and talk. He was born on May 5, 2022. I'm an older, slower, and quiet dog. I like to sunbathe, eat treats, and walk. I was born in August of 2011, and am a mix of Boxer, Bloodhound, and a little bit of Bulldog.
We didn't like each other at first. I was too set in my ways and out of shape for him. But then I realized every time ChuChu would get a treat, my hoomans would give me a treat too! So I started liking ChuChu because of that. ChuChu taught me how to have fun and be happy. I taught him how to be calm and respectful, and ride in a car.
Now we are inseparable. We play boxing games and tug-of-war, go on adventures, and love listening for the next thing to bark at. We get into trouble, but it's mostly ChuChu that starts it. We can’t wait for you to watch our videos and see us in action! WOOF. WOOF.