I first got a guitar when I was 14 and up until I was about 23, was obsessed with playing - up to a few hours a day. This passion led to playing in bands with my best friends and teaching lessons.
Around the time I turned 24, I graduated from college and started work. I COMPLETELY stopped playing. The habits I learned from playing an instrument - dedication, curiosity and hard work - were applied to my technical development in my career. Between my career aspirations and starting a family, something had to give ... and unfortunately that was my time playing guitar.
Around 2020, when I turned 36, I started to get back into the guitar as a way to work on managing my stress and have been playing ALOT ever since. This channel is intended to document my progress of rediscovering the instrument and trying to become better than I ever was on the instrument.
If you're curious about what bands or guitarists inspire me, just listen to my clips... I think you will figure it out!