Thanks for checking out the channel!
I'm not here to chase views and subscribers. Im just out to share shorts and montages of PvP DCS gameplay. If you enjoy them, of course, the sub and like are greatly appreciated! If we grow, we grow, but turning a profit is not expected or a priority here.
The DCS and ECW community reignited a love for video editing that I had thought I lost to time. My way of saying thank you is to become an extra source of PvP content to occupy that downtime when you're not in the skies yourself. I have plenty to learn and relearn about editing and just as much about DCS, so bare with me for a bit while I work on improving both aspects.
I tend to fly for whichever team is outnumbered when I join (red) and with quite a few hours of real-life seat time in the Robinson R22, i gravitate towards helicopter gameplay. If I go radio silent for a while, I will be back. It just means im either out of footage or haven't had the time to turn it into anything yet.