Hi! Welcome to Kupaki Art. (Kupaki is pronounced "Koopa Kai" like Cobra Kai but Koopa instead of Cobra.)
My name is Jenny. This is a channel for my hobbies: crafts (diamond painting, cross stitch, chain maille, misc crafts) and my work with dogs (training, scent work, agility).
I use crafts and my work with dogs as a stress reliever. I am a lupus survivor. My lupus has attacked my brain/central nervous system and my kidneys. I had to relearn everything when I was 15 years old, and I've been through 3 years of chemo for my kidneys. I'm blessed to still be alive.
My hobbies have helped me cope with my health battles and I want to use my channel to share these hobbies with you.
Thank you for watching!!
My email address: kupakiart@gmail.com