“NICE TO MEET YOU GLENN!” is a fan-made documentary that explores both life and legacy of the iconic Canadian pianist Glenn Gould Directed by Alberto Collini, written by Alida Altemburg and Alberto Collini.
"Nice to meet you, Glenn!" is an independent documentary, the result of years of research on the great Canadian pianist Glenn Gould that collects testimonies of his collaborators and friends, such as Verne Edquist, his tuner, Lorne Tulk, his sound engineer, John Fraser, journalist, Eric Till director and many others, reconstructing some points of his life and career through research.
In 2018 we had also the honor of visiting Glenn Gould's beloved places in Toronto exclusively, his birthplace, his apartment, and playing his CFII piano at Roy Thompson Hall.
What we are doing is out of the desire to disclose Glenn Gould's legacy in an accessible way to fans.