The goal of this channel is to have as much story and lore of fighting games for both personal and public use. All footage will be in HD and unsubbed (if possible). There will be an effort to upload all footage in order from the year of release to current day (1990-present). It is a work in progress that requires time and patience. Not every fighting game will make the cut and some content will be missed. The hope is that all relevant content that relates to understanding a fighting game's story will be archived. That includes non-fighting games (like Yakuza, Shenmue, Devil May Cry, etc).
General Guidelines:
1. Must be/related to a fighting game series.
2. Games related to a crossover may or may not be uploaded (depending on the length)
3. Dualing sims, beat-em-ups, platformers, and RPGs are allowed (so long as they can be related)
4. Games that feature a combat-centric VS mode are allowed.
5. Learn the lore