No content on this channel :c try Try Looking at shorts maybe lol :p
Dit is het kanaal van DUTCH TMC, First aid under danger en Op ons kanaal vind je filmpjes over eerste hulpverlening, reanimatie, EHBO, First aid Under danger, bhv en nog veel meer. We doen product reviews en delen kennis over belangrijke onderwerpen zoals welke hulp je kunt verlenen na een terroristische aanslag of grootschalig incident. Dus alle producten en diensten komen voorbij op ons kanaal.
This is the channel of DUTCH TMC, and On our channel you will find videos about first aid, resuscitation, First aid Under danger, TCCC, MARCH and much more. We do product reviews and share knowledge about important topics such as which assistance you can provide after a terrorist attack or large-scale incident. So lots of topics pass on our channel