Dearest Listener: Introducing a sense of decorum and fine judgement to the magical world of Theremin on YouTube. Helping players and listeners understand if they are watching a theremin operator, an accomplished stage performer, a great pretender or dresser up'er, a theremin superstar, a tone deaf wannabe, a talented beginner, a laboratory electrical engineer and other personas of this electronic wonder.
Attracting a mix of musicians, technicians, synthesists, experimental musos and those who cannot really play a musical instrument so thought this looked easy - how wrong they were. One thing is for sure, the Theremin player is a quirky, odd creature and as the saying goes (adapted from Mr Gervais) "“Remember, when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful for others. The same applies when you play the theremin badly” ― Ricky Gervais
PS: Yes I am indeed the great great great grand daughter of the beloved Lady Whistledown