Hello and Welcome to the Disney Fun Channel. I'm your host B.O.S.
I've been going to Walt Disney World for over 52 years. The first time I went to Walt Disney World was the 1st Summer Walt Disney World was open in 1972. I was 10 years old.
I love going to all the Theme Parks in Orlando, FL., recording my adventures and sharing them with you here on YT.
This is a channel were I post videos that I have recorded while visiting all the theme parks in Orlando, FL.
but mostly Walt Disney World ÂșoÂș
I also do Live streams on this channel where I do reaction videos and talk about anything from A to Z.
So sit back, relax and check out some cool vacation videos and some awesome reaction videos along with me.
âą My PayPal.me link: paypal.me/BOSreacts?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
âą B.O.S. Merch: bos-12.creator-spring.com
âą Facebook: www.facebook.com/BOSBestofStern
âą Reddit: www.reddit.com/user/BOS_BestOfStern