flo4ttt(フロート)はロサンゼルスを拠点に活動するラッパー。 2023年、活動開始からわずか数か月でラップスタア誕生のAREA TRIALに選出された。 同時期に自身初の1st EP「GAME PLAN」を配信開始。 ドリルやトラップビートに乗せたバイリンガルラップが魅力。
flo4ttt (Float) is a rapper based in Los Angeles, California. In 2023, he starred on RAPSTAR TANJO, a Japanese rap TV show, and made it to the AREA TRIAL stage only within a few months of launching his career. Around the same time, he released his 1st EP "GAME PLAN" on streaming platforms. His bilingual rap over drill and trap beats are what attracts listeners.