in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
❤️🔥Aux 03/06!! Tenim unes ganes infinites de poder-vos-el ensenyar😍! De moment, us deixem el link per fer el PRE-SAVE
❤️🔥Aux 03/06!! Tenemos unas ganas infinitas de que lo veáis 😍 De momento os dejamos el link para hacer el PRE-SAVE
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De CháChara para todxs los que entráis en fase 1 ☺️ y los que nos quedamos en casa bailando una semana más 💃🏻
Estem de reChaChara!!! Us deixem Chara per a totxs els que entreu en fase 1 ☺️ i les demés... doncs ballarem una setmana més a casa 💃🏻
We want to share with you our Chara ☺️ Take care and dance!! 💃🏻
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💃 Hoy estaríamos bailando en Valencia. 💃 Pero en vez de ir tan lejos, lo hacemos desde nuestras casas y colaborando en un fantástico festival del Prat de Llobregat: Escarxofa & Jazz. 🎶 organizado por La Capsa El Prat
🎙️ Para todxs vosotrxs, ESSENCE, el tercer tema de nuestro nuevo disco, Odissea. 💥
❤️ Esperamos que también lo podáis disfrutar desde vuestras casas!
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New video from our last concert of Unza Unza Tour in Apolo2 @balkanparadiseorchestra feat Maruja Limón at 18h
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New video 27/04/2019
Preparats per ballar?
¿Listos para bailar?
Ready to dance?
Prêt pour danser?
Bereit zu tanzen?
Siete pronti per ballare?
Pronto para dançar?
Спремни за плес?
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Balkan Paradise Orchestra (BPO) was formed in 2015 in Barcelona, uniting friendship, a passion for Balkan brass, and a desire for a unique fanfare. Initially performing Balkan repertoire, they evolved by blending Iberian and global influences into an eclectic, festive sound. Each member brings a diverse musical background, from classical to jazz. Known for their energetic, choreographed performances, BPO connects with audiences of all ages.
Their latest album, Nèctar (2024), is inspired by bees, symbolizing teamwork and a passion for life. Primarily instrumental, it also features some vocal parts and blends electronic, pop, disco, and Balkan sounds, combining both danceable and acoustic tracks.
This 2025, Balkan Paradise Orchestra continues the journey with its Nèctar Tour, returning to France, Germany, Italy, the U.S., and Canada in what will be its most international tour to date.