Skype: xxsugerxpiexx
skype me if you want ;D just tell me who you are
Husby: xXsummerserenity
Sayuii was here. XD Sammy, I love chu! YOU ARE EPIC and understand me more than most people. ♥ Thanks for everything. ^^
-Luu was here 8D Sammy you're so cutiee. i hope that we'll be friends forever and that we will become better editors together in HDS and someday we have to make a collab , i love chu Sammy-chii *-*
Sakii was here.
Hello my wifey.
i love you so much and i wish i could make millions of Usui's baby:3
-Jenny your only USUI;D
- - - - - - - - ♥
Hello Sammy~Dearest! :DD Tiffuu
is hacking you! I Just wanna say! THIS GIRL IS DFJLKSFJDKL- just Out of this world, Epic o u o ♥ I Love her so much :D!You'll always be in my Harrt! And Sammy! Your An a Fantabulous Editor ♥ Dont Let ANYONE tell you Otherwise! Or else they get to see my ಠ_ಠ Mad Face. -Loggs Off- :DD
Hacked by Caitlin/Erin/CanimeStudios isn't my name(s) hot? ;) ♥