in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
The next video will rattle some of you and definitely challenge others, who have been led and tricked into believing lies told by demons. In this Hour YHWH Most High is bringing Reckoning against the European Pagan Gentiles. Therefore, The Ancient Of Days said He wants you, His Children, to know what He has endured for 6000 years at the hands of His enemies...the sorrow, the viscous betrayal and the contemptuous attack on His name and His character, which the Hammites called YHMNORA!
And, to also liberate the honor and legacy of Cham; Noah's second Son and His descendants, who fought for YHWH to the death!! May you be One with The Most High in walking with Him in Truth!
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My Burnt Bronze Sisters and Brothers I'm not sure if you're ready for this next video, but time is running out. After you watch it please download and will understand after you watch it!
27 - 0
HEADS UP... We're Back!! Get Ready, prepare your mind and heart, because God Yahwah (YHWH) MOST High is getting ready to Move and Show you something!
24 - 5
Did Jesus (Yahsua Ha Mashiyah) really say, "My God, My God Why Has Thou Forsaken Me," as he was dying on the Cross?
In a couple of places in the Bible, namely Matthew 27:47 and Mark 15:34, it says that He said this, but this is an incorrect translation! It is not even close to what was actually said in the last minutes of His life.
When translated correctly from Aramaic/Hebrew, here's what Jesus (Yahshua Ha Mashiyah) actually said:
"Supreme One (Eloi), Mighty Ruler (Eloi) for this Purpose I Came (Lama). Now release/set your servant free to rest (Sabachthani)."
"For It is finished" (Tetelestai), John 19:30.
Lets look at the Hebrew words translated by European Bible scholars in both verses. It reads "Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani". The first thing that must be pointed out is that the Word "My" is no where in the sentence; not at all! This is important, because it signals that perhaps the rest of the sentence is also in error and has been translated adlib, without understanding the actual Hebrew/Aramaic words.
Next, lets look at the word "Eli" "Eli" or "Eloi" "Eloi" as spoken in Mark. These two words are the same, just repeated and mean "God," as in Supreme One or Mighty Ruler!
Now, the "Lama" can be used in different ways depending on what's being expressed. It can ask a question, but it can be used as a statement about a "Purpose" of a past event. In this case, Yahshua was declaring the answer through his death, which was "The Purpose" for which he came.
The last part of the verse, "Sabathani" actually means to "Set free", "release", as in a servant being set free after finishing his work, which brings Peace and Rest. This Word has its' root in the same word as "Sabbath", which also means to Rest. One other related word is "Sabaoth", which means "God of Armies". God Most High fights and defeats your enemies in battle, you are then left in peace and can rest.
Each of the disciples, who remained during the crucifixion, heard a part of what Yahshua said; each receiving a part of the whole testimony, as God had intended. This was in order to fulfill prophecy. like John, who testified that Yahshua, with his last breath, said, "Tetelestai" which means, "It is finished". This was a very common word in those days. When the priest killed the sacrificial animal, he would emerge from the place of the sacrifice and declare that "It Is Finished" to the waiting crowd.
So what went wrong?
Why did Bible translators seemingly purposely translate this false claim about Yahshua? Here's the reason Yahwah has given.
He said, It is because Satan wanted to insult him (God) one more diminish the Glory due to Him and His son, by corrupting the truth. Satan realized, too late, that he had lost the earth and salvation was secure, through Yahshua's shed blood. So by changing the words of the most powerful event on earth, he wanted to make Yahshua look weak and helpless, as if He had lost all hope in God, his own Father. Remember, Satan is the Father of Lies. The Word says, "I will never leave you nor forsaken you".
So we know then that the translation has been tampered with. Yahshua cannot contradict the Word of God, because He is the Word!
God then pointed me to Jeramiah 23:19-24
"Am I a God when near, It is Yahwah who speaks, and not one when far away. Can anyone hid in a dark corner without my seeing I not fill heaven and earth...It is Yahwah who speaks." He Then says, "I have heard what the prophets say who make their lying prophecies in my name..."
One last note, in the book of Revelations 12:11 It speaks of the battle between Satan and his angels against Michael and His angels. It says, "And they won the nitzachon (victory) over the Dragon NACHASH because of the dahm of the SEH ( blood of Lamb, SHEMOT 12:22-23; YESHAYAH 53:7, Moshiach) and because of the word (dvar) of the eidushaft (testimony) of them, and because they did not have (Love) ahavah for their Lives (neshamot) unto Mavet and were willing to die al kiddush ha-Shem."
Now that last part, "Al Kiddush ha-Shem" is for you, because it means when someone gives or endangers their lives in order to encourage others to stand and fight in the future! So these angels had you in mind when they were fighting at the risk of possibly losing their lives, so that when you read about it in the Word, you too would have courage to fight like heroes! Yahshua did the same thing. Therefore, He in that moment would NOT have been whining about his Martyrdom. Yahshua was in His right mind; speaking to the disciple about taking care of his mother; encouraging the other man crucified next to him and talking to His Abba about forgiving us, while in agony. He endured and fought like a hero "Al Kiddush ha-Shem", so that you too might have courage in your darkest hour; knowing that Yahwah and all of Heaven is on your side!
This is the hour that we must search for the truth like searching for Gold because it is priceless!!
18 - 4
When I awoke this morning on the Sabbath (Saturday) I heard Yahuwah say this:
"You are in My House".
My Reply: "But this is our house we live in."
Yahuwah said: "No, on the Holy Sabbath, you are in My House...My Holy Temple. You are transferred Here!"
He went on to say, "For 6 days you die daily but on the Sabbath you are given a New Birth".
He explained that, that is why it is written, " The Sabbath is Holy unto Yahuwah." Because, no matter where you are, when it is kept in obedience, you literally appear before Him in His Temple and are renewed and made Holy (whole complete). You receive revelations of hidden mysteries, healing, and deliverance. Your mind is renewed and your body infused with health. You become Holy as you observe and keep this Divine Law of yourself are being recreated.
The Lord said that this is why the "Watchers" (Fallen Ones) banned the Holy Sabbath through wicked men, to reduce the Christian Man or Women's' life force. But only those who believe in the True God and the True Burnt Bronze Savior can receive these Supernatural Blessings. Any other version will take away the Blessings. He said that is why so many Christians in the America are sick all the time in body and mind, they get no true Rest! This is also why the church does not Function in health and healing or Love. They are not flourishing under this powerful Creation Covenant (Promise, agreement, contract).
Exodus 31:13
"Tell the people of Israel, Be careful to keep my Sabbath days for the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you from generation to generation. It is given so you may know that I am the Lord Yahuwah, who makes you Holy."
Isaiah 56:2
"Blessed is the man who does this, the man who holds it fast, who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil."
Remember The Sabbath is a Gateway. As written "Obedience is better than Sacrifice." Healing and Deliverance is, Going where God Yahuwah says Go and Doing what He says Do!
30 - 1
Something to think about!
In the Book of Joel 2:28, It speaks of the unfolding of the end, in which God Yahuwah will, "Pour Out His Spirit On All Flesh". This is what happened during Covid-19 but many rejected His Spirit.
You see in the last 3 years God Most High Yahuwah dispatched his Angels to announce a warning on Earth. Revelations 14:7 states, "He said in a loud voice, fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come...Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water."
Ok, so you might say we haven't heard any angels shouting. But all over the world people have reported hearing strange unexplainable loud sounds; some like a horn being blown, some like a noise high up in the sky or sounds ringing for weeks and months where whole cities were affected. The town authorities could not pinpoint where the sounds were coming from, nor stop it. Yahuwah said this was the Angels loud voice speaking to every living creature on the earth, on a subatomic level that only the soul and cells could hear. "And I will display signs in heaven and on the earth." Joel 2:30
Now, as for Yahuwah pouring out His Spirit on "ALL FLESH" in the Book of Joel, here's what that means. There is a difference in someone accepting salvation with the Holy Spirit coming INSIDE sealing them, and the act of pouring out of God's Spirit on All Flesh to the point that they prophesy. If you'll remember in 1st Samuel 10:10, when Saul was anointed King, he started prophesying, because Yahuwah was pouring His Spirit ONTO him (Like pouring water on someone, as opposed to them drinking it). This also included the 70 elders called to help Moses, or Balaam who also prophesied through God's Spirit. These are occasions when Yahuwah wants to convey a message to people through whomever He chooses. It doesn't mean that the Holy Spirit of salvation lives within them. It is only a temporary assignment for a purpose. Apply this to the Book of Joel 2:28 and then it makes perfect sense. Here we are at the threshold of God's judgment of the Whole World and He, in His infinite Mercy, is giving humanity, as a whole, one last chance to Accept and Obey Him and His Son, or reject Them.
Each of us heard the Angel speaking and then felt the Spirit whispering, "Come this Way...Rely on Me; not Man". But each person had to Humble him or herself in order to submit to His voice.
During this time, I heard many people say that something deep inside kept telling them NOT to take the shot. Some obeyed and some did not. Many said they had been having all kinds of vivid dreams about what's coming, dreams they never had before. Many of these people were not hardcore believers. I even heard an atheist say, "I am an atheist and even I know that we are living out the prophecy spoken of in the Book of Revelations, and if Christians don't see it, something is wrong with them!"
That was God's Spirit Speaking Loud even to an unbeliever, so that No one can say they never understood or had an opportunity to be saved! "ALL FLESH" got a personal knock at the door from The Most High!
Therefore, for each person this outpouring of Yahwah's Breath, became either an open-book Test or an indictment of disobedience.
Yahuwah said,
"If they don't trust Me, how can I trust them"!
That's why you have many Christians with positions in the church who took the shot, while others refused it even in the face of losing jobs, homes, etc. This is the beginning of the separating of the Sheep and the Goats, and it was the first TEST. Many failed it...about 5 Billion.
The Second Test will Be much much harder, in which many who passed the 1st Test will fail the second one. It is because there will be those who will be unwilling to accept Yahshua Ha Mashiyah as the Burnt Bronze Savior (Black Man with hair as pure wool), call on His true name, and submit to the truth of the TRUE Hebrews and the laws of God, just as 2nd Thessalonians 2:11-12 has said, "They would not cling to the truth..."
This will be made even harder by the emergence of the Antichrist, and it will be brutal!
That's why Revelations 3:10 says, "Because you have obeyed my command to persevere I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come on the Whole World."
22 - 4
Sons and Daughters of TMH YHWH, I will be taking a break for a renew, refresh, rewind!π So do not think I've disappeared because you don't see any new videos. Abba has given me the command to relax and let the videos, He's given you, marinate in your soul. Please share the videos with others, because the time of peace and calm is growing very short, especially in America.
For those who have been on the fence about leaving Babylon, try to stay focused on what YHWH is guiding you to's very easy to be distracted by Satan's tricks and lose your Courage. Each day, look at your children and remember you are their guardian...They deserve a place to grow in peace and joy!
As you know, many places in the World are open now with no travel restrictions, so do move forward with the plan Yahshua HaMashiyah has for you.
I'm not sure of a return date, but I will let you know when The Most High Commands it. As always I will continue to pray for you all. And please continue to pray for me. Also, if you need to contact me with questions or counsel please feel free to do so. Email:
Thank You so much for your love, support, and kind encouragement. It is a beautiful Blessing!
May The God of Heaven Breathe on You His Power and Blessings through His Holy Son Yahshua HaMashiyah!β€οΈππ½ππ½ππ½
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FYI....Today Sept. 15 is The Feast of Tabernacles or Booths. It is to be celebrated each year for 8 days by The Hebrews in remembrance of God YHWH bringing the Children of Israel out of Egypt and them living in handmade Booths/Sheds during their Journey. It is a day to remember God's abundance, provisions, and protection.
Leviticus 23:40
"Now on the first day you shall take for yourselves the foliage of beautiful trees, palm branches and boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days."
(The picture below is my little Booth on my Balcony)
17 - 4
The Lord Yahwah Is Speaking!
He says This to the European Nations who refuse to confess and repent for what they have done!
"I have now gone behind Your defences and I am reeking havoc...As you went in behind boarders of defenseless nations; Stole, Raped, Pillaged, and Plundered, I now attack you by drought and War by a Hand that is more than human."
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