in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Subi 2 videos esta semana en short pues YouTube ya los manda directamente por el formato horizontal.
I uploaded 2 videos this week in short because YouTube already sends them directly in the horizontal format.
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Un mes sin inspiración,hoy por fin puedo hacer algo que me emociona,aunque solo son 7 segundos los que llevó, trataré de hacer lo maximo posible, por ahora My Hero Academia sera mi prioridad por ser su arco final ,si tengo tiempo hare en su momento algo de One Piece u One Punch Man pues Black Clover ya saldrá manga cada tres y Dragón Ball Super sigue en el arco de Cell Max.Espero hacer mi mayor esfuerzo y no abandonar algo que me apasiona hacer, muchas gracias por todo y gracias por su atención.
A month without inspiration, today I can finally do something that excites me, although it only took 7 seconds, I will try to do as much as possible, for now My Hero Academia will be my priority because it is its final arc, if I have time I will do it in Its time something from One Piece or One Punch Man because Black Clover will come out manga every three and Dragon Ball Super continues in the Cell Max arc. I hope to do my best and not abandon something that I am passionate about doing, thank you very much for everything and thank you by your attention.
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Muchas gracias por suscríbirse ,ya somos más de 500 subs , Mil gracias.Para la Nueva Etapa de Canal me gustaría conocer sus gustos ,pueden comentarlo o darle a la opción que gusten.
Thank you very much for subscribing, we are already more than 500 subs, thank you very much. For the New Stage of the Channel I would like to know your tastes, you can comment or give the option you like.
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Canal de Fan Animación
Animation Fan Channel
One Piece , Boku no Hero Academia,One Punch Man,Dragon Ball Super y Black Clover.