Welcome to RCtv (Retro Channel Television). The goal of this channel is to allow viewers, young and old,
to experience television how it was back in the 70s, 80s and 90's. Content today
is far different. Television used to be an experience all it’s own. It was something the whole family enjoyed sharing together. I will recreate these
experiences, how I remember them, both for people to relive them and as a way of educating people that never got to experience how Broadcast Television was back in that time. Everyone is attached to a phone, tablet or
laptop these days. Sitting together as a family in the living room watching a night of magical viewing has become almost non existent and is even unheard of these days. Consider this to be a challenge of sorts. Try putting
away the devices and technology. I will provide the viewing. You grab your friends and/or loved ones, your favorite snacks and drinks, sit back and enjoy
one of the greatest experiences of my life... RETRO TELEVISION!