Hello, This is KILLERYT 😈
Welcome to my channel, Hope you enjoy and do not forget to Like, comment and subscribe our channel.
Instagram; I'm on Instagram as I'm on Instagram as _bot.killeryt_. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1xswkazyqayx0…
❤️Donation: 8428697308
• Rules of chat
-No Spam, No Racism/Profanity, Treat Each other Humbly.
-No Trash Talking For other Youtubers/Streamers.
-Respect Everyone.
-Don't let anyone spoil your fun in chat and help in keeping the chat clean by Reporting
Spammers / abusive trolls.
Device : IPad 9thGen / I Phone 13 Pro
Headset : The Dominator
WhatsApp: 8428697308