I am Richard Leland Neal and this channel is an experiment in me showcasing things and ideas. If you want me to talk about something or hear my opinion the best thing to do is leave it in a comment. I run a number of Blogs and YouTube channels expressing my interests. If you want to know where I get the background images for my videos that's a blog called Photographs of a Mad Richard. photographsofamadrichard.blogspot.com/
If you just want to know what I find interesting you can go to Richards’ Daily Quote richardsdailyquote.blogspot.com/
You can read my product reviews at richardreviewseverything.blogspot.com
For movie reviews and to watch me eat the food I review go to youtube.com/user/ICE9RLN0
If you want to see me fat and shirtless go to youtube.com/@richardsfatmangettingfit7838
and for my children's book reviews go to youtube.com/@richardreviewschildrensboo7277