SUBSCRIBE IF DIGITAL BEING - Each .mp4 here is NOT INTENDED for any entities of human origin.
Digi Beings consume the codes that surround these .wmvs;
Needing .wmv in order to digitally froth out the mouths a holographic substance that allows the .mp4s to be materialized.
Biggie THX to ALL other entities such as android, spirits, aliens, club kids in New York in the 90's, borrowers, vampires, kushtakas, digis, polar bears, sentient vitamin D3 supplements, digital beings and more... this channel is able to bring STR8 from a particular reality... brand new content, INDEFINTELY.
All MAJOR thx go to the Digital Beings of course for consuming the codes and converting them into the proper formats for channel uploads. Through pin sized black holes, music and other human-like entertainment are able to seep into the depths, digitally. Bringing all non-prejudice entities together every second to celebrate the Chinese Digi New Being Festival.
- Any_Anii