ALGS VODs and edits here.
Most content here is related to "Apex Legends": Archiving tournament streams, Multi-POV edits, funny and interesting moments, etc..
I post funny or otherwise remarkable scenes and situations I caught watching Apex Legends. At least that's how it started: with my just slapping together some compilations I saw and wanted to preserve and share. I still post these, but the gameplay I stitch together has gotten a bit more complex over time, as I get better at editing videos.
Ideally the scenes and compilations showcase the streamers' skills and personalities, animating visitors of my Youtube page to check out the streamers that provide me such entertainment.
About me.
- What's your favorite number? Euler's
- What's your favorite color? 8c004d
- Where were you born? South of the north pole.
- Favorite show? The one with the serial serial killer killer
Daniel Dannemeyer
Tolkewitzer Str. 4
01277 Dresden