Hi, I'm Kenzie! I'm a RADICAL girl! What's a RADICAL girl? It's like a magical girl but RAD! You figure it out! Anyway, I careen about in this Minivan (because no one is ever driving the Minivan) and pick up nice folks and try to take them on some adventure! Will we ever get to our destination? Do we even know where we're going? Find none of these answers out and more!
This VTuber has a stable of friends! These stables of experienced dogs include:
The OG Minivan [Defunct] : 30 year-old American dudes (and one Enby) deliberately being the worst people imaginable (think 'old' FunHaus!)
The Animal Haus: Puppy (Canada) and Solis the Shark (US) are my therion and furry friends, respectively, and trans to boot! I've met them only recently but they're quickly becoming some of my closest friends! (Movie reference!)
Game Daddies (US): Me and Caravel D. Riggs (pilot extraordinaire) are parents! And we game! (That's the whole joke!)
The Minivan: That's everyone above and you, the viewer!