Contact for Paid Class at 7355504435 via Telegram and WhatsApp. Class runs on Telegram App only.
This channel "Shorthand Dictation Legal Matters" contains SHORTHAND TEXT, OUTLINES and DICTATION at the speed of 80, 100 and 120 WPM on Legal and General matters while covers all topics. Shorthand Scripts have been chosen after extensive research and going through the thousands of judgments and parliamentary debates to cover maximum terminology used in day to day working of the Courts and other govt. departments. These sets of dictation would be a boon for the students who lack proper guidance and material in shorthand.
We hope it will help the students to get immediate government job in Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts, Law Firms, Tribunals etc. as Executive Assistance, Private Secretary, Personal Assistant, Stenographer etc. apart from qualifying Grade C and D Exam.
Contact to buy 24 Volumes of Kailash Chandra Shorthand Magazines.
Halo Pratap Stationers, 7355504435.