Real Talk Mental Health is located in Vancouver, Washington, and is hosted by 3 of the area's top psych nurse practitioners. Real Talk Mental Health exists to give behind-the-scenes information and advice on mental health topics like depression, anxiety, OCD, and ADHD. They also discuss different treatment options, describing what the process looks like and how effective it has been in studies.
Too often they hear from new patients that their previous providers weren't listening to them and they felt lost. With Real Talk Mental Health they want to pull back the curtain on the healthcare system and help more people navigate their way back to being mentally healthy.
Brendan Roe, Julia Swofford, and Piper Buersmeyer own TMS NW and MedRX Partners in Vancouver, WA, and Tigard, OR, and have helped hundreds of patients defeat their battle with mental illness. For those in the Portland, Oregon, Vancouver, Washington area, please reach out: (360)777-6708