in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
The latest Arknights event in CN - 『Tower of Babel』- brought with it an update to Kal'tsit's character expression sheet.
From the original 5 emotions now there are a total of 14.
Also happy Kal'tsit is now very canon.
60 - 4
Oh bravo @ArknightsOfficialYostar 👏👏. You really had to force replace the old translations with your new incorrect ones? Now we can have a choice of either using an inferior trash EN dub, or using the JP dub but seeing mistranslated text on the screen. (pic 1 old, pic 2 new)
So next time someone says "Dude just use JP! Dubs don't affect you! Use what you like." well, yes they do actually affect everyone, because they're being forcefully shoved down your throat.
So now all the new players are just gonna think these new lines are the true lines huh?
And the Battle lines (pic3)? This is the most blatant example of Dumbing Down a character that I've ever seen. What did you not have an extra $1 to pay for more words?
Also why can't you just make 2 sets of texts, one for each language? I guess that would require you to care about your players, which you clearly don't. Disgusting.
15 - 1
AK livestream had the IS2 statistics for JP, and they posted the Global ones on twitter.
Funniest shit ever.
JP had 7% all endings and
20% medals
14% max level rewards
3 - 2
Damn... I was watching the AK fan stream and then it got to this part.
This just hurts.
Poor Kal.
61 - 8
So NTR rerun is gonna be next, lasting till the 28th of April.
What this means is that Texas alt will NOT be coming this month.
Assuming they do everything back to back, we'll have IS3 and pre-Ep11 banner on 28th.
Then they have to release Ep 11 for mats.
Add 2 weeks to that and Texas might drop some time after May 10th.
19 - 0
This is the place where you end up when you're lost.