The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want (Psalm 23:1).
Hello. i'am 'Christian Kim bowoo'.
This channel was established to praise the Lord and spread the gospel.
Jesus is alive.
You and I will walk with God all our lives and believe in Jesus.
I pray that you will be able to live fully in the will of God.
Oh! Please like and subscribe, and thank you so much for listening to the lack of praise!!
Siwoo's Information
Consultation & inquiry:
Kakao Talk open chat:
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Donate directly to Siwoo Kim (Paypal):
(Your support is a great help for recording, video production, and studying abroad.)
You can think of PadBang as a radio!
If you have trouble watching the video while it is on continuously, you can listen to it like a radio if you go to Patpang.