香港泌尿外科學會YouTube Channel 所上載有關泌尿系統疾病的內容和訊息全經由泌尿科專科醫生撰寫和審校,並從病因、病徵、診斷、治療等方面對不同疾病分別作了簡介。
香港泌尿外科學會網頁: www.hkua.org
About us
Hong Kong Urological Association (HKUA) was founded in 1988. Since its commencement, the association has operated with the objectives to facilitate advancement and academic discussion within the Urology profession, as well as to equip the general public in Hong Kong with a better understanding of urological diseases.
We hope that through our effort in education, patients with urological diseases could benefit from early intervention and disease prevention could be achieved through health promotion.
HKUA website: www.hkua.org