Living together in isolation in Bourgogne, France, Solange Gularte (Isengrind) and Mehdi Ameziane (TwinSisterMoon) together form the band Natural Snow Buildings. They formed in 1997, and have never claimed to be a part of any music scene (saying in one interview that they "are pretty comfortable in our outcast role"), nor do they label themselves to performing any specific music genre or style other than "lo-fi". I believe one may interpret their sound as resembling mixed pieces of folk, ambient, and drone blended together into their own unique soundscapes. It is well worth noting that many of their interests are stretched out to remote places obscure to the western world, which may also influence their work.
On this youtube channel, I have uploaded every Natural Snow Buildings music album, EP, compilation, and single I could find. It is over 50 hours of music. I hope there are others that are inspired by them as much as I have been.