Hi I am from Maharashtra my father is farmer I am complete b.ed .give golden degree. Different types of exam preparation government job.different type of book is available for exam .I am use the book then share with you tube family members.so thank you so much 🙏 watch my youtube channel. thank you so much 🙏
Book list .
First I am sharing the important notes,book ,very important information for tet related exam share in my you tube channel.
Tet exam preparation for work hard,notes are read and ,pyQ questions paper on the basic requirement for the exam .And finally goals to achieve.so thank you so universal and and God give to me new opportunity to one 1% I am inoval in my potential to help to grow to young generation.To motiovatin and right path to go.and enjoy the life , happy and healthy life
Thank you so much 🙏
MPSC exam preparation book
TET exam preparation book
CTet exam preparation book
Talati exam preparation book
Thank you so much 🙏 watch my youtube channel 🙏