Welcome! I am a consultant/coach/writer with over twenty-eight years of working with individuals, couples and families. This site offers several playlists: 1)A playlist focused on various issues surrounding benzodiazepine withdrawal and medication injury, as that is something I have encountered and am wanting to increase awareness and advocacy efforts; 2) I also am working on reading my book The Waiting Room for folks who can't afford it or struggle reading; 3) A third playlist is called Sensitized! based on a book I am currently writing; and 4) a playlist called Coaching from the Sidelines that focuses on psycho education regarding various issues. You can also follow me on Instagram at jenniferswanphd or at my website: www.jenniferswanphd.com.
Disclaimer: These are my personal thoughts/experiences/ideas and are meant to be used for informational and educational purposes only. They are not meant to be substituted for medical/clinical advice or intervention.