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Nurse cherryjewels

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What not to bring with you to the labor room #pregnancy #laboranddelivery How to know if baby is getting enough milk to satisfy them. #lowmilksupply #milkfed #milkmanagement Fetal kicks and why it is felt differently by different pregnant women Women should make more right decisions during labor and delivery. #pregnantwomen #laboranddelivery How to reposition baby in the womb The appropriate way to bath while pregnant #pregnancy #pregnantwomen #healthypregnancy Staying careful of STD Make sure to see a gynecologist #concieve #infertility Ways to resolve swollen legs in pregnancy #edema #oedema #pregnancy #swollenfeet Things to avoid while pregnant #pregnancy #healthypregnancy #womenshealth #pregnantwoman THINGS YOU SHOULD NOT DO WHILE PREGNANT #selfmedication #toxoplasmosis #highheels #stressing 5 ways/food to naturally induce labor #inducelabor #inductionoflabor #labour or ADVANTAGES OF COPPER IUD FAMILY PLANNING METHOD #iud #copperiud #familyplanning #nonhormonal Disadvantages of fingering 👆🏼 #stopfingering #womenshealth #harmfulsexualractices #infection 6 best fruits to eat while pregnant #pregnancy #fruits #fruitsgoodinpregnancy People who have s€sally transmittable diseases #HIV #hbv #hcv #newchannel #std Conceive easy at 40years and above. #concieveat40 #conception #fertility #pregnancy Signs of yeast infection in men #yeastinfectioninmen #yeastinfection #newchannel #menshealth Causes of delayed menstrual periods #delayedperiod #menstruation Tell me how you Spice your marriage up #marriage #spiceitup 7 laboratory tests you should run with your partner before marriage #testsforpartners #newchanne Danger signs a woman should not ignore!!! #healthawareness #womenshealth #dangersign Knowing your ovulation window is a power tool to conceiving . get ovulation test kit #concievetips